Basics for Losing Weight

The general idea when you come to the decision that it is time to lose some weight is that you should get back to basics and do so in the most simple and straight forward way that you can.

This makes a lot of sense as it is far easier to follow something that is not complicated.

Therefore your expectation of success will be far higher when you do not have to fight your way past so many additional strategies that often make the whole process harder and more painstaking than it needs to be.

Remove Complications

weight loss basicsSimplifying the process is what is needed to improve the success rate. That includes removing the many diet dilemmas and exercise myths over what is right or wrong.

To that end, there are some basic weight loss tips that strip away all the encumbrances of the complexities and unnecessary extras that seem to have been tacked on to many programs and plans that are supposed to help people to lose weight.

These are what you would probably describe as the fundamentals of losing weight, which are eating a healthy, nutritious and low calorie diet in sensible portion sizes coupled with getting the right amount of exercise each day to ensure a decent level of fitness.

These two main lines of attack when used in tandem help to boost the body's metabolism so that you burn more calories than you are consuming and thereby will lose weight as a result.

What You Should Do

It doesn't get much simpler than that, but people try to complicate things by inventing a load of different things that they believe you should also do to help things along.

In reality, as long as you are eating right, getting enough water to aid digestion and keep your body hydrated, which is most important and getting plenty of cardiovascular exercises, then your body will do its job right.

Just as simply combining diet and exercise with common sense and motivation, you can make sure you get back to the right weight and then maintain that weight.

Separating Men and Women

While the basics of losing weight applies to every living human, there are some things that need to be compartmentalized when it comes to the sexes.

This is mainly because men and women lose weight at different rates and some of the methods that exist work better for men while other methods work better for women. In other words, while weight loss as a whole is the same for everyone, its several aspects are different depending on who it is that is trying to lose weight.

Weight Loss for Women

Then it comes to losing weight for women, there is usually a greater emphasis placed on a more calorie restrictive diet and lighter exercise than on heavier exercise and a not so restrictive diet for men.

That is because men with their generally greater muscle strength respond better to heavier weights and greater resistance training than women.

Weight Loss for Men

On the other hand women respond better to lighter weights and resistance with more emphasis placed on greater repetitions and aerobic exercises.

That's not to say that everyone will even fit nicely into these particular pigeon holes as each individual will have their own best ways of working to lose weight.

It is just a given that most men will tend to want to workout harder and strive to lift heavier weights, pump more iron and generally push themselves harder in the physical realms than do most women.


Of course, taking it to extremes such as bodybuilding, then women will tend to work just as hard as men with weights and resistance training while also adopting similar high protein, low carb diets to grow muscle mass and cut fat.

But for most people who are not so interested in developing very muscular bodies, it falls back to eating a diet with a relative calorie count that will be different for men and women, while adopting an exercise plan that is tailored to best suit the masculine or feminine physique and work towards achieving the best physical appearance that is suited to the sex.

So while the two can overlap and even work with each others' weight control solutions, there is a difference between the two and accepting and observing the obvious differences will result in the most effective ways of achieving the results that are aimed for.

Are You Doing Things Right?

So really, if you ever feel that you need to make things more complicated than that because for some reason or other you do not think you are losing any weight or not losing it fast enough, you need to look at what you are doing and ask yourself if you are doing it the right way.

If you are cheating on your diet by snacking on things you know you should not be snacking on, or are skipping some of your daily exercises, then you should expect to get less than satisfactory results from what you are doing right.

As long as you can stick to your diet and keep up with your exercises and you'll be doing things right!

It is all down to you in the end and what you do to get yourself losing weight through motivation. No one else can do that for you, so you have to knuckle down and make sure that what you are doing from a basic viewpoint is right then the rest will follow in time.


Posted on Sun, 04 Apr 2021 in weight-loss | 0 Comments

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