Lazy Ways to Lose Weight Part 1

While it makes a lot of good, common sense to understand that in order to lose weight you are going to have to put in some effort to achieve the goals you set for yourself, there are always going to be people who want to try and cut corners.

While losing weight is not really something that should be taken lightly or expected is you are not prepared to work at it for your own benefit, there are some easy to follow strategies that can help especially if you are looking for those lazy ways to lose weight.

First up, this is not something that is recommended as a long term weight loss strategy by any means, but some of the lazy weight loss ideas provided here can be used in conjunction with your existing strategy to help things along and make them go a little easier.

This article is in two parts, so here is the first part:

Eating and Diet

When eating your low calorie meal (it is a low calorie meal, isn't it?), there are some ways in which you can maximize the benefits while improving the way your body takes up the food you are eating.

Of course, when considering your diet choices, it's important to include as many healthy, nutritious ingredients as possible by following a mostly whole-food diet and avoiding as much processed food and anything with high levels of added sugar, preservatives and other artificial additives.

It's also important to introduce some measure of portion control into meal size. Here's how to make a small meal last longer and make you feel fuller, sooner.

Drink Water:

Drink a glass or two of plain water before every meal. This helps to fill your stomach and makes you feel full more quickly, preventing you from feeling like you want to keep eating after you finish your meal.

Eat Slowly:

It is probably something your parents tried to drum into you when you were a kid, but eating slowly really does help you to make a meal feel like it is more than it is and it will be better for you.

Take each fork-full of food and make a point of not overloading the fork. Yes, take smaller bites to begin with. When you put each bite of food in your mouth, take time to taste it and really taste it, chew it slowly and deliberately before swallowing.

Put your knife and fork down between bites. This slows down the eating process further and stops you shoveling more food into your mouth before you have swallowed your last bite.

Avoid distractions:

To get the most from your meal and to get the signal up to your brain that you are full sooner to prevent overeating, you should devote all of your concentration and attention onto eating the food.

I know that sounds a little odd, because you probably think you already do that, but think again. Most people, when eating a meal do so with their mind on other things. It might be that you are thinking about some other aspect of your life, money worries, work issues, family issues etc.

These are harder to control but you can control your thoughts to focus on the food you are eating by taking the time to explore the taste and texture of each bite of food.

Another big problem is external distractions. These can come from people talking over a meal, a television on in the room where you are eating, a radio on and playing fast music (even if it's only background), or getting into the habiliment of reading a newspaper or magazine while you are eating.

Well, it's time to banish these distractions from the meal table. If you habitually eat your food in front of the TV, stop it at once!

Go eat in another room, or it that is not possible, make a point of switching the TV off. If there is a radio playing (or music on a sound system) turn it off too.

It is a scientifically proven fact that music with a fast tempo (beat) makes you eat faster. As your goal is to eat slower, you must not play fast music, even if it's only faint.

Remember, most fast food restaurant owners know this and do play fast music in the background because it gets their customers eating faster, finishing sooner and freeing up their table sooner for the next paying guest!


It's great knowing how to lose weight naturally and doing so without actually using much effort, making the process more suitable for those who want to lose a few pounds without putting in very much effort to accomplish it.

Working with your food in this way is easy to do and can bring about some pretty amazing weight loss results for so little effort. The next part of this article follows and will look at lazy ways of losing weight through some simple changes of habit.


Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 in weight-loss | 0 Comments

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