Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

I've tried all kinds of diets and exercise programs but I'm still overweight. Why am I not losing weight like I should be and what can I do about it that will work?

Everywhere you look these days, there are news stories about how the obesity epidemic is raging out of control in many societies and not just in the United States.

It appears that health has taken a turn for the worse and very little is being done to fix it, while the big diet companies and food industry as a whole are making more money than ever.

Unhealthy Food Overload

unhealthy foodIt is almost as if the world is collectively taking a fat pill and not bothering to stop the mad rush to eat everything in site.

By that, I mean everything that is unhealthy, without any meal portion control or sense of what is good or not good for us.

At the same time it seems everyone is spending all day sitting at a desk then all evening sitting in front of a TV and getting zero exercise.

With so many really usable tips for weight loss published online and freely available to anyone who really goes looking, it seems almost unbelievable that there is anything like an obesity epidemic.

Why is weight loss not happening in our society when there is so much freely available information on how to prevent it?

TV Ads

One of the first places to look to find the biggest culprit has to be the television.

In particular we need to look at the way that certain food items are aggressively advertised. Not surprisingly, you don't see too many ads for fresh juicy organic carrots or a nice bunch of broccoli!

However, you do see plenty of ads for the fast food restaurants that serve up junk hamburgers and fries like it was the best thing on earth without any regard for calorie limit or nutrition value.

Junk Food and Drinks

You also see plenty of big budget ads for soda and other sweetened, flavored drinks. They tend to share the commercial breaks with all manner of processed meals and snacks that your friendly local grocery store has in stock at low prices!

The advertisements are so cleverly constructed they make people want to go out and buy that stuff like their lives depended on it. It may come as no real surprise to learn that those ads work and they work very well indeed!

Unhealthy Food Addiction

It has become known through countless trials and tests that much of the constituents of junk or processed foods are in many ways addictive.

It may not be the same kind of addiction that a heroine addict suffers, but when you find something that tastes great to you, you are going to want to eat more of it.

Refined Carbohydrates

unhealthy carb addictionLeading the way to obesity and type 2 diabetes is the growing love of food products based on refined carbohydrates derived from grains.

Bread, pasta, cookies, pastries and similar staples of the modern Western diet are processed by the body to produce a spike in sugar. This sugar spike leads to a massive release of insulin in an attempt to lower the blood sugar level.

Glucose and Insulin

Insulin transports glucose through the network of blood vessels to the body's cells for energy. The excess glucose (what is not used by the cells) is then taken out of the blood stream to the liver where it is processed into fat for storage.

Repeatedly eating these foods and experiencing the associated sugar and insulin spikes over time results in the cells of the body resisting the insulin, preventing energy-giving glucose being transferred to them.

Insulin Resistance

The cells of the body are quite literally starved of energy, causing an even greater release of insulin by the pancreas in an attempt to get the glucose to where it is needed most. Unfortunately, it doesn't get there, and so it all ends up being converted to fat.

This is a state known as insulin resistance.

Type 2 diabetes is essentially a medical condition centered on insulin resistance. The associated diseases and medical conditions are numerous and in many cases debilitating and some can even be lethal.

There is, unfortunately even more woe associated with processed junk food.


There is some evidence to show that some of the additives in processed foods such as Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and others actually trick the brain into wanting to eat more of the food they are in.

This sets up a big problem for people who habitually eat junk food as the mainstay of their diet. The food itself causes weight gain, but because they can't stop eating it, they keep getting more and more overweight until they are staring at obesity in the mirror.

Not The Solution

Is there a solution to all of this?

Yes there is, but it is not going to happen much before hell freezes over. That's because the huge industry that is behind all that junk food is not going to take a hike and leave all that money on the table.

Seriously, a bunch of broccoli just ain't gonna compete with a juicy, fat laden hamburger!

The way to beat the problem will not come from the food industry or the diet industry or even the medical industry. These entities are profit-making businesses and they aim to cash in on the problem of obesity and its related medical conditions.

So don't hold your breath for someone in business coming up with a magic bullet to fix your plus-size body and make you slim again.

Obesity and Ill Health Make Money

These businesses are getting ever richer from providing short-term pseudo-solutions to your weight problems. It is not in their interest for anyone to be slim, fit and healthy.

Healthy people don't spend money on products or medications in the main.

Unhealthy, overweight and sick people on the other hand collectively spend billions of dollars every year on products and medications to do what they could just as easily do all by themselves for no cost.

The Real Solution

To fix an overweight body and failing health, you (and I do mean YOU) need to start taking care of yourself and taking responsibility for your own health.

Start by stopping eating all processed junk food. All of it!

Stop drinking all soda, even the diet variety of soda as well as all flavored, sweetened drinks, period.

Start buying fresh produce, preferably from organic outlets if possible and preparing and cooking your own, home cooked meals.

Start doing some daily exercise. Even a short walk each day in the fresh air can make a difference. Start small and gradually increase the amount of activity you do each day.

You could help yourself even further by starting an intermittent fasting strategy, where you stop eating all food by 8pm and don't eat again until 10am or even later. This will, over time fix the problem with insulin resistance, while causing you to burn more fat than you store.

That last point (combined with eating a healthy diet) will also cause your weight to go down, gradually, day by day until you reach the right weight.

Get Motivated

You CAN do it all by yourself! You really can!

You don't need expensive products, pills or potions to bring about weight loss or good health. Health comes from within when you do the right things that your body needs you to do.

Your doctor will not help you by prescribing medications to counter this or that symptom. Your problem is what you are consuming in your daily habitual diet and you doctor has no control over that.

Exercise Control

Only YOU have total control over what you eat and drink. It starts at the grocery store by what you allow (or refuse) into your shopping cart.

Stop making excuses and looking to someone else to fix your problem. Start exercising that control by getting tough with yourself and fix your own problem.

You have that power. Use it!


Posted on Sun Mar 21, 2021 in weight-loss | 0 Comments

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