Simple Weight Loss Tips for Teens

If you are interested in finding some simple weight loss tips for teens that can really help to take control of your body weight and size, this may help you.

While the main bulk of the media attention is currently turned on the growing numbers of overweight and obese adults with the weight loss industry hot on its heels to cater for their needs, one equally important group that is falling a little behind in the perceived importance stakes is that of teens.

weight loss tips for teensThat's not to say there is a sudden downturn in the number of overweight and obese teens, quite the opposite in fact.

Media Focus

It's just that media perception is more focused on adults, especially where the massive increase in surgery procedures undertaken by people desperate to lose weight is concerned.

Teens need to be counted and those that are overweight need to lose some every bit as much as adults.

Start Watching Your Weight Early in Life

In fact, it could even be more important to make sure the weight is lost and a healthy body weight and size is maintained when you are in your teens than at any other age.

That's because once it goes on, it tends to stay on right through life, or at least gives you the recurring problem of battling against it through out your life.

Now that's certainly something you don't want and believe me, when you get into your 30s, 40s and beyond, you really do not want to be carrying too much extra weight around with you.

That's because the older you get, the tougher it gets to lose it!

So what are the best and most simple weight loss tips for teens that you can make good use of?

The Right Mental State

Well, probably the most important tip of all is getting into the mental state of actually wanting to do something about your weight. Get your head right to begin with and your body will follow.

That's because the predominant problem most teens have is lethargy when it comes to doing anything that remotely seems like something you don't want to do or have to face.

Once you can actually see that you really should be doing stuff that will reduce your weight and at the same time tone up your body so that you can get that slender look that should typify teens, then you can take the rest of the advice that freely given here and in other online publications.

Guess what the simplest way to lose weight is for a teen?

Eat Healthily and Sensibly

Eat a healthy diet and don't eat too large portions, while drinking plenty of plain water and totally NOT drinking any soda, juices or sports drinks. Reduce your intake of high refined carbohydrate-based foods such as bread and foods based around refined white flour, such as pasta, cakes, pastries and cookies.

These are the things that pile on empty calories and at the same time make you feel more lethargic, sluggish and drained of energy.

A high carb diet is also responsible for greatly increasing the amount of sugar your body has to process, with most of it getting stored as fat. It can also lead to a condition known as insulin resistance, which is responsible as the root cause of many of today's diet-related ailments.

A Sensible Diet

You need to boost your energy levels and you can do that through a change in your diet to include a lot more energy foods.

These will include the often much disliked green vegetables, salads (but go easy on the dressings), legumes (peas, beans etc), zucchini and other squashes, high protein foods like lean chicken breast, fish and grass-fed steak where available, peanuts, walnuts, cranberries and blueberries... the list goes on of all the good stuff you can eat.

Getting onto a healthy ketogenic diet is actually highly desirable for maintaining a healthy body that stays in shape.

It's a wonder that teens eat so much stuff that is way bad for them when there is so much good stuff to eat!


Once your energy levels come back from being deluged by all the refined white flour products, you might even feel like getting outdoors into the fresh air and doing some sports activities.

Remember, getting in the sunshine for half an hour or so every day is very good for you because it boosts your body's production of vitamin D, which is also linked with weight loss.

Just don't overdo it because too much sun can lead to skin cancer! The natural daylight is also good for boosting your mood as it encourages production of serotonin, the natural feelgood hormone.

And when you feel good, you want to look good, which all ties in together to boost your motivation to eat better and exercise more, which will lead to natural weight loss without any need for expensive products, pills or potions to do it for you (even if they don't really work)!


Posted on Fri, 17 Dec 2010 in weight-loss | 0 Comments

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